Access4All supports Nickelodeon Latin America in its special "Fanáticos del Agua"


Acces4All, the repository of accessibility elements that ensures television access to people with visual or hearing disabilities, is proud to support Nickelodeon Latin America in the launch of its special "Fanáticos del Agua."

Next July 17th  at 10 a.m. Nickelodeon Latin America will present to its Mexican audience this fantastic 2-hour special prepared so that Mexican children with deafness, blindness or/and deaf-blindness can enjoy its wonderful programming.

To obtain the audio description, the subtitles for the deaf and/or the version in Mexican sign language using your cell phone or tablet during the special "Fanáticos del Agua," you must download the Access4All app completely free of charge, which is available in the App Store and the Google Play Store. Visit the Access4All website to see how easy is to use the app.

A smiling girl points to a mobile phone. The phone shows a QR code and the Access4All logo
Santiago de los Mares, Bob Esponja and Josué Benjamín from "El Taller de Josue" will visit adults and children, including those who use audio description, subtitles for the deaf and/or Mexican sign language. Thanks to Access4All everyone will have equal access to this programming.

At the Dicapta Foundation, we are proud to be part of this fabulous initiative that will be an example to follow and multiply in the region.

We want to acknowledge the valuable collaboration of ASL Services, Perkins International, Lic. Daniel Martinez, the children of the State Multiple Attention Center No. 15 of Sonora Mexico, Carolina Zetina of CTD Producciones, and the Dicapta Corporation for their support.

Don't miss this fabulous special!